January 2021 Reads
I’ve missed reading for pleasure, so when my friend Yvo of FeistyFoodie.com reminded me of Goodreads, I immediately reactivated my account and set a reasonable goal of two books a month.
January ended on schedule with Aesop’s Illustrated Fables and Make Make the Bread, Buy the Butter by Jennifer Reese.
Have you had the chance to read for pleasure yet this year? Leave a comment letting me know what you’re currently reading, what you’d like to read next, or what you’d think I might like to read. I’m constantly looking for new reading material!
1. Aesop’s Illustrated Fables - I remember reading some of Aesop’s fables here and there throughout childhood. To read the collection as an adult was familiar and enlightening. Many of his lessons still pertain to this day and age. I can’t wait until baby girl is a bit older so we can go through some of these stories together.
2. Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What You Should and Shouldn't Cook from Scratch -- Over 120 Recipes for the Best Homemade Foods by Jennifer Reese - While I had a general idea of what I felt would be easier and more economical to make at home from scratch vs purchasing commercially made from a store, this book really broke down it down to the nitty-gritty details. Definitely an interesting read. It made me wonder what it’d be like to retire one day and live off the land. Would I ever own farm animals? Would I ever expand into a full size garden with a variety of fruit and vegetables, or remain with a small container herb garden?